“Attack on Golan Heights increases potential Israel-Hezbollah escalation”

Joas Wagemakers on NU.nl

De Golanhoogten. Foto: Robert Bye, via Unsplash

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah continue to rise. Israel accuses Hezbollah of a rocket attack on a football field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The attack resulted in the deaths of twelve young people. Joas Wagemakers, Associate Professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies, speaks with NU.nl about the crux of the situation and its potential consequences.

Hezbollah denies rocket attack

The Golan Heights are strategically important for Israel, Wagemakers says. It is an elevated area which offers a view over much of Israel and Syria. “The area provides a strategic advantage over the enemy.”

Despite Israel’s accusations, Hezbollah denies the recent rocket attack on the football field in Majdal Shams. Wagemakers notes that it is difficult to ascertain the truth, but believes Hezbollah does not want to claim responsibility for the attack because it was likely intended for a military target nearby.

Also, all the victims of the rocket attack were Druze. “In Majdal Shams, there are many Druze. It is very unlikely that Hezbollah intended to target that group”, Wagemakers explains. “Druze are also Muslims and are therefore too close to Hezbollah in terms of ethnicity and religion.”

Risk of escalation between Hezbollah and Israel

There is a risk of further escalation now that there have been civilian casualties. Wagemakers points to the pressure on Israel to take strong action against Hezbollah, particularly from displaced Golan Hights residents. “They had to leave their homes due to Hezbollah’s attacks and are fed up”, he says. There is also growing desire within Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government for a war with Hezbollah.