Workshop: Using AI to analyse historical texts

Centre for Digital Humanities

Een stapel historische boeken. Foto: Chris Lawton (58797), via Unsplash (58798)

The Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) organises a workshop about the use of AI to analyse historical texts. This workshop offers a gentle introduction to the use of contextual language models for humanities research. All scholars and graduate students are invited to use the provided infrastructure for text analysis on their own research questions and/or data. The workshop also offers a space for sharing, testing and discussing the use of AI tools for humanities research.

Members of the Semantics of Sustainability project, Pim Huijnen (Assistant Professor Digital Cultural History at Utrecht University and CDH affiliate) and Mees van Stiphout (CDH Research Software Lab), will host the workshop. The workshop will also be supported by members of the National Library and the eScience Center.

Read more about the workshop on the Centre for Digital Humanities website
Start date and time
End date and time
National Library (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), The Hague
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