UU-NIOZ early career scientist symposium

From to

On the 10th - 11th of October 2024, the fifth UU-NIOZ Early Career Scientist Symposium will take place. This symposium offers the opportunity for all PhD candidates and all postdocs* to get to know your colleagues working on various disciplines of ocean sciences and to develop new ideas, perspectives, projects and papers. The event is organised by early-career scientists for early-career scientists with the aim to build and strengthen the community!

This year we will gather at the Two Brothers Hotel in Noordwijk and focus on 'Open Science'. Register now to secure your spot and stay tuned for more information about the program. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via unecss@uu.nl

*We warmly welcome PhD candidates and postdocs from other institutes (outside UU-NIOZ), but unfortunately do have to ask for a small registration fee.

Tentative Program

Thursday, 10th October

16:30Poster session 
18:00Ice breaker and dinner
20:00Social program 

Friday, 11th October

09:00Keynotes and Panel discussion 
  • Erik van Sebille (UU) - Open science from a research perspective
  • Jeroen Sondervan (OpenScienceNL NWO) - Open science from a NWO perspective
  • Peter Kalverla (Escience center) - Open science and best coding practices


  • Charlotte Ballard and Sigrid Dekker (UU) - Science Communication
  • Mateusz Kuszak (Escience center) - Make the most of your code
  • Vincent Brunst (UU) - Fair data
  • Daan van Loon (NIOZ library) - Open access publishing 
16:30Wrap up and goodbye


The organizing committee

This years UU-NIOZ Early Career Scientist Symposium is organized by a diverse team of 4 PhDs and a postdoc. Emma Daniels is a postdoc at the UU Freudenthal Institute where she is developing a “virtual fieldwork” tool and lesson material for marine science. Isabel van der Hoeven and Yasmina Ourradi are PhD students at NIOZ Texel and work on anoxia in restricted basins and methane from the North Sea seabed respectively. Pelle Adema and Niklas Hohmann are PhD students at UU Geosciences on submarine canyons and rock records respectively.  

[Here] you can find the code of conduct for the UNECSS meeting 2024. Please review it carefully before the meeting. In case any questions arise please contact the organizing committe under UNECSS@uu.nl.

Start date and time
End date and time
Two Brothers Noordwijk Beach

Please register via this link.