Symposium on marine Carbon Dioxide Removal


While reducing greenhouse gas emissions is paramount, it is clear that reductions alone are no longer enough: the need for Carbon Dioxide Removal techniques is inevitable. Join us on November 5th, where we will gather to explore the challenges, feasibility and ethical aspects of marine Carbon Dioxide Removal.

More information on the speakers and program will follow soon.

Preliminary Program

10:50Arrival of ferry
11:00Coffee / tea
11h25Keynote - Jean-Pierre Gattuso
11h55Three short talks
14h00Three short talks
14h45Discussion / Breakout
15h15Wrap up

This event is open to community members (join the community HERE) and students, lunch is provided. Please use the registration form if you intend to participate. In addition, (bachelor and master) students that need travel compensation to and from Texel are asked to send an email to

Start date and time
End date and time
NIOZ Texel
Entrance fee
None - travel compensation for (master and bachelor) students is available

Please register using this link.