Sustainability Dialogue - The Court Case of Milieudefensie versus Shell

Acceleration or impediment?​


In November ‘24, the Hague Court of Appeal published its judgement on the lawsuit between Milieudefensie and Shell. The days afterwards UU scientists expressed different perspectives on the impacts of this lawsuit on reducing dangerous climate change and the effectiveness of litigations to accelerate energy transitions. To broaden this discussion, we invite you to this dialogue: You are welcome to participate/learn from the exchange of different perspectives on climate litigation, to increase mutual understanding while we leave space for disagreement. The dialogue will start with presentations from UU scientists giving their perspectives on plausible impacts of the litigation, from the stance of companies, regulators and policies for climate justice. Next, we open the floor for an inspiring dialogue.


15:30: Introduction by the Pathways to Sustainability Board

15.35: Perspectives on climate action and litigation:

  • How regulators govern climate accountability of companies - by Haomiao Du
  • Politics in a radical age: a perspective on political responsibility ​- by Jeroen Oomen
  • How companies can invest in energy transitions​ - by Gert Jan Kramer

16:05: Q&A

16:15: Open discussion

17:00: Drinks

Start date and time
End date and time
VMA Bistro Utrecht Science Park, Princetonlaan 8a Utrecht​

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