Sharing Days: Documentary 'Stones that Speak' on Utrecht street poetry

Filmposter Sprekende stenen
Documentary Stones that Speak (2024)

Documentary 'Stones that Speak' on Utrecht street poetry

Utrecht is home to a remarkable amount of street poetry. How do these poems affect the city's inhabitants? Documentary maker Suzanne van Leendert collected personal, funny, moving and critical stories from Utrechters about poems on walls and other carriers. The result is Sprekende stenen (2024), a beautiful film that not only gives a nice picture of the many poems that can be found in Utrecht's public spaces, but also of the amazing diversity of inhabitants and personal stories that live in the city. Utrecht University's Dutch language and culture department collaborated on the documentary.

The documentary is in Dutch, with English subtitles. After the film screening, there will be a Q&A with creator Suzanne.

A street poetry walk and bike ride will be organised on Saturday 8 June. See the poems with your own eyes.

Sharing Days

Every year in June, the Sharing Days take place in Utrecht. This alumni event with festival vibes offers a jam-packed program with numerous activities in the fields of science, research, sports and culture. Spread across locations on the Science Park and in the lively city center of Utrecht, the Alumni Office facilitates workshops, tours, master classes and other festivities especially for all alumni of Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time
Drift 21 room 0.32, 3512 BR Utrecht
Entrance fee

Register here.