Seminar Julian Hetzel: Make Art Great Again. Undisciplinary Approaches to Doing Art Politically
Transmission in Motion

On Wednesday 5 February, as part of Transmission in Motion’s Implicatedness series, Julian Hetzel and Maaike Bleeker will explore how a critical awareness of 'being implicated' shapes Hetzel’s work. They will discuss how performance serves as a medium to reflect on what historian and philosopher Hannah Arendt described as “the vicarious responsibility for things we have not done”. This dialogue is part of the ongoing research project Lauf der Dinge.
The complexity of being implicated
“I am German, white, and catholic baptised; that’s a complex starter kit,” observes theatre maker Julian Hetzel in a press release for his creation Schuldfabrik (2017). Hetzel is well aware of his privileged position, and his observation is not a complaint. Rather, it addresses the complexity of being implicated and how this affects his work as a critical maker. “I’m much more part of the problem – than of a possible solution,” Hetzel continues.
Transmission in Motion’s Implicatedness seminar series
This year, the Utrecht University Transmission in Motion research community organises a lecture series around the theme Implicatedness. The series investigates and questions various aspects of being implicated, how this affects agency and responsibility, and what possibilities we have for critical and creative engagement with and from this condition.
- Start date and time
- End date and time
- Location
- Muntstraat 2A, Grote Zaal
- Registration
- More information
- Read more about Transmission in Motion’s Implicatedness seminar series