Programming Café - 6 February 2025


Do you want to meet other researchers, improve your programming skills, or ask questions related to programming? Pick up your laptop and come to the Programming Café! 

During this informal meet-up, which is a ‘relaunch’ of the popular R Café, we will share knowledge about programming through short presentations, work on programming projects, and help each other with challenges in working with code and data.

February 6th: Optimizing your code

The first session of 2025 will focus on revitalizing research software: come with your code and set it up for optimal development, start writing documentation, or clean it and make it more efficient. The session will provide practical support in three key areas led by research software engineers:

  • Git & GitHub Mastery
  • Modern Documentation with Quarto and Beyond
  • Clean Code Practices

Your software deserves the spotlight, and with a little care, it will pay you back tenfold. Does your software already look great? Share all your hard work, joys, and sorrows with us, or simply keep working enjoining the free drinks and snacks!

What to expect

During the Programming Café, you can work on your own project and share knowledge in a community setting. You can also bring your programming questions, bugs, and problems to resolve or discuss with members of RDM Support and researchers attending the café.  

Furthermore, each Programming Café will have a special theme. This is typically a short presentation or demonstration of (maximum) half an hour. We are always looking for suggestions on themes and people who want to present something. Don’t hesitate to send an email to if you want to provide a suggestion or give a presentation! 

Who can attend 

Everyone is welcome at the Programming Café! You can be of any skill level and at any stage in working with your code and data. We expect most attendees will be R or Python users, but users of other programming languages and software are invited as well.  


Registrations are not mandatory, but we appreciate them in order to arrange refreshments and snacks. For the same reason, it would be helpful to deregister in case you can no longer attend. You can register using the link at the bottom of this page. 

More information and contact 

To stay up to date on the planning and themes of the Programming Café, keep an eye on the Programming Café website and the UU/UMCU Programming Community on Microsoft Teams. 

Can't make it to the Programming Café? You can also come by our weekly Walk-In Hours for all your questions about research data and software, or contact us via

Start date and time
End date and time
Bucheliuszaal 6.18, Universiteitsbibliotheek (Utrecht Science Park)
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Register here

More information
Website RDM Support