Program PhACE - 24 & 25 March 2025

From to

During PhACE (PhD Activating Career Event), PhD candidates can ex­plore different career options the Dutch labour market has to offer. PhACE is a 2-day event and consists of plenary talks by experts, discussions and 4 workshop rounds.


Monday 24 March 2025

8.45-9.15Registration & Coffee
9.15-9.45Welcome & introduction by chair Lisa Peters
9.45-10.30Track 1 - A career in academia: Scientific role & Next to science
10.30-11.00Coffee break
11.00-13.00Workshop round 1 : Exploring your motivation & qualities
14.00-14.45Track 2 - A career outside academia: R&D & Consultancy
14.45-15.15Coffee break
15.15-17.15Workshop round 2 : Enhancing your skill set

Tuesday 25 March 2025

8.45-9.00Registration & Coffee
9.00-9.15Welcome & reflection on day 1 by chair Lisa Peters
9.15-10.00Track 3 - A career outside academia: NGO & Government
10.00-10.30Coffee break
10.30-12.30Workshop round 3 : Enhancing your skill set
13.30-14.15Track 4 - A career outside academia: Teaching & Science Communication
14.15-14.45Coffee break
14.45-16.45Workshop round 4 : Additional & repetition workshops
16.45-17.00Conclusion & The next phace in your future career by chair Lisa Peters

Please note that the program may be subject to change.



In each track two experts from different work fields share their work experiences. Each expert gives a short presentation about his or her background, current job and skills. After these presentations there will be a Q&A session. You can prepare for the tracks by thinking of questions you would like to ask the guests. 


You are going to attend 4 workshops in total during PhACE. In each of the 4 workshop rounds you can choose in what workshop you would like to participate. 

You will find a description of the PhACE workshops at the PhACE webpage. 

Start date and time
End date and time
Entrance fee
No entrance fee

Registration opens approximately 6 weeks in advance of PhACE.

More information
PhACE website