Play along with the All inclusive game (Dutch)
How can you discuss diversity, (unintentional) exclusion and discrimination in the workplace? The All Inclusive game can help with this: using dilemmas to discuss how you deal with diversity and inclusion within Utrecht University. You will experience how you react to situations that are related to, for example, origin, disability, religion, age or position.
Experience it for yourself!
In March the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Office will be organising the All Inclusion Game online twice, led by Caspar de Bok. The game features situations that can be familiar, but also situations that you didn’t associate with exclusion or discrimination before. This can result in unexpected conversations and insights.
All Inclusive helps to start a dialogue about the impact of (unintentional) exclusion.
March is the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion month
The All Inclusive Game is part of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion month. The programme Equality, Diversity & Inclusion organises various (online) activities in March, such as lectures and (creative) workshops for students, employees, alumni and other interested parties. Read more about these activities.
- Start date and time
- End date and time
- Location
- Online, after registration you will receive the link to the game environment.
- Registration
Register via this link