PhD defense Han Bouwmeester: 'Krym Nash'

An Analysis of Modern Russian Deception Warfare

Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka. Concealed force: members of 122nd Tank Brigade camouflage their T-34 tank for the Siege of Leningrad, 1941. Bron: Wikimedia
Russian military deception, sometimes known as maskirovka. Concealed force: members of 122nd Tank Brigade camouflage their T-34 tank for the Siege of Leningrad, 1941. Source: Wikimedia

The Russian authorities have been using deception as a weapon for decades. Until now, however, research into this deception has paid little attention to uncertainty, the precondition for deception, and the effects of deception. On 16 December, Han Bouwmeester will defend his thesis, which deals with these and other aspects of deception.

Krym Nash

In this dissertation, titled Krym Nash, Bouwmeester studies the way in which Russian authorities currently influence their opponents by way of deception. This research is based on forms of deception, such as maskirovka, reflexive control, active measures, agents of influence, spetspropaganda, agitprop, disinformation and fake news, as used in the past by Russian and Soviet authorities. In addition, Bouwmeester examined whether other forms of deception could also be recognized.

New and renewed forms of deception

The main conclusion of Bouwmeester's research is that during the Russo-Georgian armed conflict in 2008 and the annexation of Crimea in 2014, there are six striking elements of Russian deception, complementing the aforementioned forms of that deception: (1) creating uncertainty by issuing Russian passports and using the Olympics as a distractor, (2) applying conspiracy theories, (3) employing rapid and stealth intervention with Special Forces, organized civilians and private military companies, (4) making use of military demonstrations, (5) increasing activities in cyberspace and information sphere, and (6) finding ways to ensure that manipulated perceptions are maintained.

Start date and time
End date and time
University Hall, Domplein 29, Utrecht University & online (link)
PhD candidate
Drs. A.J.H. Bouwmeester
'Krym Nash' An Analysis of Modern Russian Deception Warfare
PhD supervisor(s)
Prof. B.G.J. De Graaff
Prof. P.A.L. Ducheine
More information
Full text via Utrecht University Repository