Online Seminar: Fissuring in the platform economy – What case law from across Europe tells us about the multiparty relationships

With the passing of the Platform Work Directive, and a growing number of court decisions reclassifying platform workers into employee, it might seem that the matter of employment relationships in the platform economy is settled. However, Prof. Christina Hiessl (KU Leuven) and Associate Professor Brigitte Kroon (Tilburg University) will show in their presentations that there is room for discussion yet. This online seminar is valuable for everyone interested in future-proofing work in a digital world and platform economy
Establishing an employment relationship in the platform economy has been a difficult matter. Yet, with the passing of the Platform Work Directive and a growing number of court decisions reclassifying platform workers into employee, there is reason to think that the matter is settled.
This belief is contradicted by what we see when looking at the case law on multiparty relationships across the EU. Platform business models are changing and with them the complexity of establishing an employment relationship and other rights for workers. Increasingly, we are dealing with complex structures for the purpose of hiring - use of subsidiaries, sub-contractors, temporary agencies and other intermediaries.
In her presentation, Prof. Christina Hiessl (KU Leuven) discusses how these developments further complicate the already difficult question of establishing employment in the platform economy by looking at a cross-EU examination of case law involving multiparty relationships.
Second presenter this seminar is Associate Professor Brigitte Kroon (Tilburg University) and after that there will plenty of time for discussion.
This online seminar is valuable for everyone interested in future-proofing work in a digital world and platform economy, for instance unions, temporary employment agencies, employers, platform companies and governmental institutions. The presentation will be in in English.
- Start date and time
- End date and time
- Location
- Online, via MS Teams (link follows upon registration)
- Registration
Please register via this online form.