Infrastructures of mystery: how do we create a society that supports the wonder of existence?


There seems to be very little space in modern life for encounters with the fact that life is deeply mysterious, strange, tragic, beautiful and hilariously absurd. For most people, there is a lot of private awareness of this strange depth – in anything from nature, art, caring for others, difficult life moments, spiritual practice. But we rarely get an opportunity to talk about it, find time for it.

Ad Parnassum by Paul Klee
Ad Parnassum by Paul Klee, 1932

What would a society look like where we do create space and opportunity for encounters with the depth and mystery of life – whatever that may mean for different people? How can we make sure that we support the enormous diversity of relationships that people have to this mystery and depth? What infrastructures are needed – in terms of space, money, institutional setups, skills and expertise, and more? 

These are questions we have been investigating as the Transforming Cities community (part of Pathways to Sustainability), under the concept of ‘infrastructures of mystery’. Our sessions so far seem to be touching on something fundamental.

In times of ecological destruction and the erasure of democracies, finding ways to create wellsprings of depth and mystery would likely benefit people and communities in many ways – becoming refuges for mental health, social connection, creativity and new perspectives, and more.

On December 11th we want to focus especially on the question of – how do we go from people’s personal and diverse relationships with mystery and depth to strategies, policies and other practical actions? Which parts of society should be involved in this, and how? How does it touch on mental health policy, the organization of cities, the role of nature and leisure, and more?

We will start the evening with an introduction by Joost Vervoort on the work that has been done so far. We will have smaller and plenary dialogues used to gather ideas, and the event is closed by a musical performance by Carmen Ra who will create a musical impression of the evening.

Start date and time
End date and time
Karma Kebab, Kanaalweg 50, Utrecht

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