Inaugural lecture: The New Utrecht School

Inaugural lecture of Dr. Annet van Royen-Kerkhof


On September 20, 2024 Dr. Annet van Royen-Kerkhof will hold their inaugural lecture, titled The New Utrecht School. Dr. Annet van Royen-Kerkhof has been appointed Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at Utrecht University as of June 15, 2023 to work in the field of 'Interdisciplinary education in medicine'.

The inaugural lecture can only be attended by invited guests. The Executive Board of Utrecht University hereby cordially invites you to attend the ceremony online. You can follow the inaugural lecture via the link below. 

Start date and time
End date and time
Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 & online (livestream link)
Dr. Annet van Royen-Kerkhof
‘Interdisciplinair onderwijs in de geneeskunde’
Inaugural lecture
De Nieuwe Utrechtse School