How Was Life? Vol. II - New perspectives on historical global inequality


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'How Was Life?' Report Volume I

On March 25th, the OECD launches the second volume of the 'How Was Life?' report, entitled: New perspectives on historical global inequality. The volume continues the efforts initiated in the first 'How Was Life?' report, which is to add a historical dimension to the 'How's Life?' reports published bi-annually by the OECD since 2011. 

The launch of the new report will take place online. Mario Pezzini (Director, OECD Development Centre), Jan Luiten van Zanden (HwL editor, Utrecht University), Peter Lindert (Un. Cal. Davis), Branko Milanovic (CUNY, New York), Anne McCants (MIT, Boston) and Romina Boarini (Director, OECD, WISE) will all contribute to the event.

All programme information can be found here

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