Film Screening: The Uprising


As part of the Contesting Governance Platform at Utrecht University, and in collaboration with students and staff from Cultural Anthropology and Educational Sciences, we are hosting a film series titled Re-imagining the University. The first film is The Uprising (2019), a music documentary by Dutch-Indian singer/songwriter, musician, and activist Pravini Baboeram. The screening will include creative community-building exercises as well as an interactive conversation with the director. 

Re-Imagining the University Film Series

By using film as a catalyst for discussion, we aim to create an environment for critical reflection on the challenges and opportunities facing the university as a place for critical reflection. This series is an invitation to rethink the university as a critical political space, to dream up new possibilities, and to chart a course towards a more equitable, inclusive, and transformative vision of learning and knowledge cultivation. This is especially crucial in view of the student-led liberation struggles we’ve witnessed on campus, as well as the unprecedented budget cuts announced by the far-right government. Each screening will be followed by a conversation led by invited discussants who will help frame key themes and open the floor for reflection. In these post-film discussions, participants will also be encouraged to experiment with various forms of knowledge-sharing, such as storytelling and creating collective archives. These interactive elements are designed to foster a collaborative environment where attendees can collectively re-imagine the purpose and future of the university.

The Uprising (2019)

Through a compelling fusion of music, storytelling, and critical analysis, Baboeram tells the story of resistance against racism in Europe, offering a decolonial perspective on the anti-racism movement in the Netherlands, the UK, and France. Featuring commentary and experiences from both academics and activists, she examines the history and legacy of colonialism while envisioning strategies for the movement's future. In nine self-written songs, Pravini connects the fight against Blackface, the struggle for the recognition of colonial crimes that the Netherlands committed in Indonesia, the fight for the liberation of Palestine, and the struggle in the political field for an inclusive society. The Uprising challenges us to rethink the university's role as a space for activism and justice, inspiring reflection on how educational institutions can engage with and amplify movements for transformative social change. 

Start date and time
End date and time
Muntstraat 2A Room T0.05 (Grote Zaal/Theater Zaal)
Entrance fee

Please sign up here!