Exploring imaginaries: the circular economy and populist imaginaries

SIG Futures meeting

Illustration by Don Davis
Illustration by Don Davis of a cylinder coloby's endcap with a suspension bridge

Join the next meeting of the Futures SIG on Thursday January 16 from 10.30 to 12:00 to hear and discuss about experiences examining circular economy and populist imaginaries.

During this Futures SIG meeting at the Bistro of the VMA, we’ll explore two distinct imaginaries that are growing in support around the world. On the one hand, narratives around the ‘circular economy’ are gaining ground, with diverse meanings from degrowth to regenerative futures. At the same time, particular collectively held views of ‘better futures’ (or, even nostalgia for ‘lost’ pasts) underpin many populist movements spreading across Europe and the U.S. How can we understand these growing imaginaries? Critically dissect them? And collectively respond to them? Amid growing questioning of the ecomodernist imaginary which has long dominated sustainability debates, there is a need to carve out space for new sustainability imaginaries. In this meeting, we will start with some brief presentations to set the stage, but it will be a highly interactive session.

About Futures SIG

The Futures SIG meetings are organised by Joost Vervoort, Jeroen Oomen, Josie Chambers, and Abe Hendriks. These meetings are open for anyone interested.

Start date and time
End date and time
Bistro, Vening Meinesz A building