Embodied AI: Virtual Humans and Social Robots #1

etro-Man, mascot of Metro-North, educates children about train safety.
Photo: Daniel Case (Wikimedia Commons)

This event is the first of a series of events we plan to organize related with Embodied Artificial Agents. It concerns the development, evaluation and societal impact of social robots and virtual humans that are capable of engaging in face-to-face social interactions with people using verbal and non-verbal behaviours.

These characters have been a topic of interest in different communities including AI, HCI, robotics and graphics as well as humanities and social sciences. Despite significant progress, we are only at the dawning of an emerging field.

Our goal is to understand the Utrecht University situation, build community and increase our university’s visibility. We like to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations as well as encourage diversity and inclusion. The theme of the first event is: “Understanding the Utrecht University case, what are the different viewpoints, challenges and opportunities?”

We have three perspectives:

  1. Technical/algorithmic perspective: How to automatically generate behavior for socially interactive agents (virtual and robot)? Sensing, decision making and acting loop.
  2. Human-computer interaction perspective:  How people perceive, respond to, and collaborate with robots and anthropomorphic characters in everyday life?
  3. Social Sciences perspective: How to understand human social cognition during real and long-term interactions with artificial agents? 
Start date and time
End date and time
Online in Teams (direct link to the meeting)