Competition Law in Digital Markets: a Panel Discussion

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Photo by Cosmin Serban on Unsplash

Join us for an interactive discussion on the latest developments in competition law on digital markets, with particular attention for the Digital Markets Act (DMA). A panel of renowned experts will discuss enforcement of the DMA, including the European Commission’s case-selection and it’s discretionary powers under the DMA. This will lead into first impressions about its efficacy, whether it meets expectations, and general observations since its implementation.

Oles Andriychuk

Our main panelist will be Oles Andriychuk. Prof. Andriychuk teaches at the University of Exeter, where he specialises in Competition Law & Digital Markets and in the Constitutional / Jurisprudential Aspects of Competition Policy. He is engaged in several research and knowledge exchange projects aiming to understand, conceptualise, inform and steer the ongoing regulatory reforms of competition in the digital economy in the UK, EU and some EU Member States. He has founded and directs the Digital Markets Research Hub – an impactful professional YouTube channel with over 800 subscribers offering on a weekly basis in-depth discussions, webinars, panels and interviews with the leading authorities in the area of competition law and digital markets –

Justin Lindeboom

Also on the panel will be Justin Lindeboom. He is Associate Professor of European Law at the University of Groningen. His research focuses on European constitutional law, EU and global competition law and transnational legal theory. Justin studied history at the University of Groningen and law at the University of Groningen, University College London and Harvard Law School. He has been an Emile Noël Fellow at New York University School of Law (2020), and has also held visiting fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg (2016), the European University Institute in Florence (2018), and University College London (2018-2019).

Alessia d'Amico

The panel will be completed by Alessia d’Amico. She is assistant Professor at the International and European Law Department of the Utrecht School of Law. Her research focuses on the regulation of digital platforms, in particular from a competition and data protection perspective. She has a PhD in Competition Law from the European University Institute and previously worked for the UK Competition and Markets Authority.


This event is co-organized by the Law & Economics Society, in collaboration with the building blocks Public Intertest Ecosystems (PIE) and Digitalization & Technological Innovation in Europe (DTI) of the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) of Utrecht University School of Law. Please direct further questions to

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