Centre for Unusual Collaborations Symposium
Save the date: on October 27, the next symposium of the Centre for Unusual Collaborations will take place from 1pm to 3pm.
Are you curious about how you can contribute to collaborative efforts in the Alliance between the Young Academies of TU/e, WUR, UU and UMCU? Do you want to pitch your idea and get others with different expertise on board to apply for a Spark grant?
Join the online symposium to hear updates on the Centre, pitch new ideas and meet potential collaborators. Especially for new collaborative groups who wish to apply for a Spark Grant in February, this is your moment to pitch! If you are interested, please fill in the registration form.
Important: those who want to pitch (YA members or +1’s) will be contacted with instructions by the organizers so make sure you register before October 12! For all other participants registration is open until October 23.
- Start date and time
- End date and time
- Location
- Online
- Registration