Causal Inference for AI in Health Meeting


In this quarterly meeting, researchers from a network of 4 universities come together to present recent work on methods and applications of causal inference, followed by an informal networking session.

This meeting’s speakers are:

  • Joost van Rosmalen (UMC Utrecht, “Augmenting treatment arms with external data through propensity-score weighted power-priors: an application in expanded access.”),
  • Dimitris Rizopoulos (Erasmus MC, “Using Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data to Investigate the Causal Effect of Salvage Therapy after Prostatectomy”),
  • Doranne Thomassen (Leiden UMC, “The role of estimands in clinical trials: a case study in oncology”).
Start date and time
End date and time
Boothzaal, University Library, Science Park Utrecht
Entrance fee

Not needed.