BioBusiness Summer School

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Do you want to kick-start your career in Life Sciences industry? Get a better grasp of business topics, understand the success factors of Life Sciences companies and learn more about the different roles outside academia. Then join the renowned international BioBusiness Summer School!

Jumpstart your Career in Life Sciences industry!

During this inspiring 5-day programme you will gain valuable insight in the world of Life Sciences companies, meet leading experts and industry leaders and learn the basic knowledge of main business topics, such as product development, intellectual property rights, business models and finance. You will be able to build a strong network of international peers. The sense of belonging to a group of high performers goes beyond the classroom, and many participants have formed bonds with peers that last for years to come.

The BioBusiness Summer School is offered by Hyphen Projects. The PhD Course Centre offers 15 vouchers, please check "Registration" below for information on how to apply for a voucher.

Start date and time
End date and time
Amsterdam UMC and Accelerator Utrecht
Entrance fee
The PhD Course Centre offers 15 vouchers (€1.490 each) to PhD candidates of the Graduate School of Life Sciences in their final years (a registration in MyPhD is mandatory).

Please send a motivational letter (1/2 A4) to if you would like to be considered for a voucher. After receiving your e-mail, we will inform you if you are selected and how you can register. First come, first served!

For more information about the programme and speakers klik on the link below to visit the official website (BioBusiness Summer School by Hyphen Projects).

More information
BioBusiness Summer School