What is the Mathematics A-lympiad?

The Mathematics A-lympiad is a mathematical competition for teams of 3 or 4 students.
It is one of the three wholeday "Mathematics in teams"- events that are organized by the Freudenthal institute of Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The other competitions can be found here.
In the Mathematics A-lympiad, the teams work on an assignment - a very open ended problem situation - in which mathematical problem solving and higher order thinking skills must be used to solve a real world problem. The result of the assignment is a written report. The competition has two rounds: the qualifying preliminary round with about 1000 teams of students competing a day long at their own schools; and an international final in which 16 teams compete during a whole weekend in a central place in the Netherlands on a different assignment.

What are the "Mathematics in Teams"-events?

The (subtitled) video gives information on the what, how and why of the "Mathematics in Teams"-events.




Winning teams of the Mathematics A-lympiad 2019-2020

On Monday, May 4, 2020, the online award ceremony of the 31st international final of the Mathematics A-lympiad took place.
The final round was physically organized in Garderen, The Netherlands, on March 13 and 14 (just before the lockdown because of COVID-19).
The seven teams that were present (from the Netherlands and Germany) were enthusiastically engaged in all kinds of dice games and, as a final assignment, developed and played a challenging dice game themselves. Afterwards, two teams (one from each participating country) tied for first place!
During the award ceremony, the winning team from the Netherlands received their medals online (yes, that turned out to be possible through a nice collaboration between the committee and the teacher involved!). The German team was also suitably feted a few days later.

The final ranking:

1st: Städliches Gymnasium Herten and Montaigne Lyceum The Hague

3rd: Städliches Gymnasium Bad Laasphe

4th: Dockinga College Dokkum

5th: Elzendaal College Boxmeer

6th: CSG Dingstede Meppel and Gymnasium Celeanum Zwolle


The preliminary round of the next Mathematics A-lympiad will be on Friday, November 13, 2020.

Of course we hope you will join the competition!

For more information: https://www.uu.nl/en/education/mathematics-a-lympiad/participate-in-the-a-lympiad