This Thing Called Science
Target Audience
Anyone who not only wants to know more about the contents of scientific knowledge, but about its context as well.
Course description
In modern life, science is everywhere. The products of biomedical science and technology may help achieve a healthy society and economic progress. They may prolong life and make it more agreeable at the same time. But how much do we really know about the production, implementation, and evaluation of scientific knowledge? What exactly is the basis for our belief in science? What sets it apart from common knowledge? Whom should we trust in case two scientists disagree on a hotly debated issue? Is science a vocation or just another profession? Is scientific knowledge something special to be emulated, or ‘just another opinion’? How does science really work? Are scientific facts discovered, or are they rather socially constructed and considered ‘true’ only after fierce debate? How are science and technology embedded in society, and how do they change over time?
If you aspire to become a scientist – either an academic researcher or a scientifically educated professional with a job outside academia – you should be aware of these and similar questions. You should not just know the contents of scientific knowledge but also its context.
Learning objectives
This course sets out to create awareness of what science is or should be, with the aim of fostering broad scientific literacy. It also challenges you to explore your personal perspective on science. Over the course of nine afternoon sessions, we will delve into the historical, philosophical, sociological, commercial, ethical, political, and personal dimensions of the biomedical sciences.
Instructional method
During each session one or two invited speakers will set the scene for a highly interactive session. At the end of every session, there will be drinks and an opportunity to ‘meet the speaker’. Grab this opportunity: these are experts in their field.
The course will be jointly coordinated by Marc van Mil and Judith Zandstra, who will actively participate in the sessions, facilitating interactions and discussions among speakers and participants.
Group size
35 to 45 participants
Number of credits
2.0 EC
Study load
In addition to the scheduled sessions, you should take into account an extra study load of approximately 28 hours in total. This study load will be distributed over the course, covering individual preparation for sessions and group assignments.
Course certificate
You will receive a course certificate after actively participating in at least 7 out of 9 sessions. You are expected to be active as participant, which means that you prepare the topic and, even more important, that you take part in the general discussion.
Cancellation and No-show policy
This course is free for GSLS PhD candidates. However: free of charge does not mean free of responsibility. Once you have signed up for a course, we expect you to attend. For every late cancellation or no-show we have had to disappoint others who would have liked to attend. This is our policy:
- You may cancel free of charge up to 4 weeks before the start of the course. After this date you can only cancel if you have a GSLS PhD candidate to replace you in the course. Send the name and contact information of your replacement to, at least 2 working days before the start of the course;
- We expect that you actively attend the full course, but at least 70%. It is mandatory to attend the first and last session. If you are absent the first session you cannot follow the remaining of the course;
- Not meeting the above requirements means you will be charged a no-show fee (€ 150). We will send the invoice after the course has ended. We are unable to make any exceptions, unless you have a valid reason (i.e., illness or death in the family 1st/2nd degree or partner). Your supervisor has to send an e-mail to indicating the reason.
Unfortunately we don’t offer this course for participants not part of the GSLS. Our courses tend to be fully booked by GSLS PhD candidates.
Do you have doubts, critiques or bugs about science? This is a good place where to address them. This course made me a better scientist, and a better informed layman. I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in science.
Becoming aware of these dilemmas really helped me to get a better idea of how science is evolving and it helped me decide if and how I would like to continue in academia. The course also encouraged me to reflect on the bigger picture of my own PhD project and guided me in the direction that I want to pursue the project.
Entrance fee: This course is free for GSLS PhD candidates.
Location: Utrecht Science Park
Registration for this course opens 2 months before the course starts. You can register via our course portal (see registration link below). After opening, the portal shows how many spots are still available. You can subscribe to the interest list when a course is fully booked or not yet open for registration. When a new edition opens for registration you will receive an e-mail.