PhD Course Centre Agenda

In the PhD Course Centre Agenda we include all courses that the GSLS organises and other UU/UMCU courses that might be of your interest. At the bottom of each course page you can find contact details and registration link.

Offline and Online courses

We offer offline courses at Utrecht Science Park as well as online courses. If the course is online, you can find that in the course title. Please check carefully if the course you would like to attend is offline or online.

PhD Update

If you would like to stay updated about our courses, events, and everything that is important for you to know as a GSLS PhD candidate, subscribe for our PhD Update here.

Interest list

Too late to register for your favourite course or is the course not available right now? Via the registration link at the course page, you can register for the interest list. You will receive an e-mail when a new course edition opens for registration.

Overview courses coming period

You can find a table with all the courses that the PhD Course Centre organises here. The agenda below contains both the PhD Course Centre courses and additional courses organised by other organisations of the UU/UMCU.