PhD in Times of Corona
On this page we enlist usefull information for PhD candidates in times of the corona crisis. To start with, have a look at the figure below to see what you can do as a PhD researcher at home.
You may also wish to polish your figures. Check out the website and create beautiful graphical images for your thesis. Or increase your awareness about responsible conduct of science whilst playing the dilemma game. This dilemma game was developed as one of the initiatives of the EUR Taskforce Scientific Integrity (chaired by prof.dr. Finn Wynstra). They created an online version which you can download on their website.
PhD Trajectories in Times of Corona
The corona crisis has a huge impact on the entire country. Many sectors have come to a complete standstill. Academia is also affected by the crisis: teachers have to teach online from home, students fear study delays and much research cannot continue without problems. The corona crisis also poses problems for PhD candidates. Like many people, they experience stress from this situation, they may be afraid and experience difficulties in focussing on their research. Working from home can also increase loneliness. In addition to these relatable difficulties, PhD students also encounter more specific issues. PNN has identified a number of critical problems and is making urgent recommendations to universities, UMCs and research institutions on how they can play a role in reducing these problems for PhD candidates.
Research Institutions Working on Solutions
Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN), PostdocNL VSNU, NFU NWO and ZonMW are working on solutions for the bottlenecks young researchers are facing during the corona crisis. Their starting points are that health is more important than research, that research should reasonably be given the opportunity to be completed and that tailor-made solutions will be needed to do justice to the diversity of problems.
PhD Psychologist
The PhD Psychologist, Paula Meesters, is (still) available for all PhDs. In these troubled times we can imagine that some of you might struggle with mental problems. Maybe you worry about finishing your project in time or if you will still receive enough funding. For international students it might be difficult that family and close friends are living abroad and maybe you experience feelings of loneliness. For all of these matters you can contact Paula. Already scheduled treatments or intakes will still be continued via phone-call or Skype. Find more information via the button below or contact Paula at
Online Platforms to Support PhD Candidates
Microsoft Teams
The PhD Break Room in Microsoft is still available for PhD candidates of the GSLS. In order to help with the unrest that you may be feeling, PROUT has set up this central place for PhD candidates. The PhD Break Room is a place where PhDs of the UU and UMCU can come together, share their experiences, and support each other. You need a UU SolisID is to use this tool. Find more information here.
Facebook for International PhD Candidates
One of the initiatives of Utrecht University which can be helpful at this moment, is the Facebook group called UU Social Distancing Support International Students & Staff. If you need to talk to someone, want to share your experiences or otherwise have questions, you can reach out to staff and students on the Facebook group. Find the Facebook group here.