Courses offered by the Utrecht University Library
Nowadays, the University Library is more than a building full of books. It is also a place to meet and exchange knowledge. Moreover, the Library supports the academic community with its expertise in scholarly information. If you are searching for information or data, you will find an overview of the major search engines, databases and additional information. Sometimes all this information feels overwhelming. How can you find the information that you need? How do you know that your search covers all the documents that you are looking for? How to get the best out of your reference management? The University Library can help you answer these questions when navigating the scholarly information landscape. Experts from the library provide you with support, workshops and sessions on the newest developments in Open Science, including topics such as Open Access publishing and Open Educational Resources. But also their expertise in how information is found and shared can help you improve your online presence. Below you will find a few examples of workshops suited for early career researchers within the Life Sciences. Please check the calendar for new and current sessions and workshops. Next to live events the University Library also provides online modules you can access anywhere anytime.
Open Science – an introduction
Open access and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data are now common terms in all fields of research, but Open Science is so much more than that. Open Science can be applied throughout the entire research workflow in many ways. We will discuss and explore these and other aspects during this interactive workshop. You will explore ways to incorporate Open Science in your daily routine, find out what aspects of your work are already open, and what barriers and motivations you encounter. This workshop is open to all fields of research and all levels.
Improve your Online Presence
How visible are you and your research online? Is it easy for others to find and cite your publications and data? Is it possible to share your posters and presentations? How many online profiles do you need, and how do you keep them up-to-date? This and more will be discussed in this workshop. During the first part we will focus on frequently used profiles and platforms, their pros and cons and how to use them effectively. In the second part you will be set to work and choose what is the best way for you to improve your online presence. If you follow the short demo, you will leave the same day with your own website containing the information and links most important to you. This workshop is open to all disciplines and levels.
Searching Systematically
During this workshop you will learn how to set up a systematic search strategy. You will get information on where and how to search and how to apply this to your own research question. The systematic approach that is taught, works for all disciplines and for both short comprehensive projects and full systematic reviews. This workshop is open to Utrecht University/UMCU researchers, support staff and students who are interested in learning more about search strategies.