ATLAS.ti Beginners Course


The course location of this Evers Research & Training course is: Novotel Brainpark, K.P. van der Mandelelaan 150, 3062 MB Rotterdam.

This course will be taught in English unless all participants are Dutch-spoken. If that is the case the teaching language will be Dutch.

Make sure to bring your own laptop to the course, with ATLAS.ti installed on it. If you don’t have a license (yet), the demo version of the software can be downloaded at and will suffice. Please let us know whether you use windows or OS-X, the training will use the Windows version of ATLAS.ti, if you are on a MAC, the trainer needs to know. Also inform us if you are still on an earlier version of ATLAS.ti, focus will be on ATLAS.ti 2024.

Course description

This two-day course is best followed in the beginning of your PhD track, as this software not only can be used for analysis of data, but for literature review and bookkeeping of your project as well.
An introductory face-to-face course in using the software package ATLAS.ti for Windows or Mac. The emphasis of this course will be on learning the software by practicing (hands-on). Basic knowledge of qualitative data-analysis is supposed. ATLAS.ti is a very powerful software program, which makes it possible to systematically analyze textual (transcribed qualitative interviews, diaries, scanned texts, PDF), graphic (figures, photographs), audio (songs, music, spoken texts) and video data. The format of this course is such that learners will be able to analyze qualitative data on the most basic level using ATLAS.ti. These basic skills can then later on be elaborated to work on more sophisticated analysis.

Learning objectives

Learning to work the software for your research project.
Outline of the sessions:

  • A short overview of most of the basic possibilities of ATLAS.ti
  • How to prepare your data for analysis and organize them into one ATLAS.ti file for analysis
  • Different types of coding: text, images, Google Earth maps
  • Different tools to organize and question the dataset: codes, groups, hyperlinks, netviews and memos
  • Illustration of coding, hyperlinking, memoing, relating codes into netviews, making comments and organizing the dataset into different groups
  • Output of analysis: thinking about your data, asking questions and preparing notes for your research report in memos
  • Optional: a short overview of the Text Search and Auto coding Tool, the Co-Occurrence Explorer and the Google Earth Coding Tool

Instructional method

Instruction of a tool followed by practice on your own laptop.


Jeanine C. Evers (Cultural anthropology/Public administration) or Susanne Friese (Economics), have been doing qualitative research and teaching (PhD) students in a broad range of qualitative research methods for over fifteen years. They both have a lot of experience working with ATLAS.ti.

Course material

Ensuring the software is installed on your laptop and works adequately. See text under 'Important'.

Group size

Max 10 participants

Number of credits

0.5 EC

Course fee

Registration for this course is free for PhD candidates of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. A completed registration in MyPhD GSLS is mandatory and will be checked when you apply for the course!

Cancellation and No-show policy

This course is free for GSLS PhD candidates. However, free of charge does not mean free of responsibility. Once you have signed up for a course, we expect you to attend. For every late cancellation or no-show we have had to disappoint others who would have liked to attend. This is our policy:

  • You may cancel free of charge up to 4 weeks before the start of the course by sending an e-mail to After this date you can only cancel if you have a GSLS PhD candidate to replace you in the course. Send the name and contact information of your replacement to, at least 2 weeks before the start of the course.
  • We expect that you actively attend the full course.

  • Not meeting the above requirements means you will be charged a no-show fee of 325 euro. We will send the invoice after the course has ended. We are unable to make any exceptions, unless you have a valid reason (i.e., illness or death in the family 1st/2nd degree or partner). Your supervisor has to send an e-mail to indicating the reason.

Entrance fee: Registration for this course in the manner as described below, is free for PhD candidates from the Graduate School of Life Sciences. A completed registration in MyPhD GSLS is mandatory and will be checked upon registration!

Location: Novotel Brainpark, Rotterdam

Registration: To register for this course, please send an e-mail to until 2 weeks before the start of the course. When registering, please mention your name, mobile phone and title/date of the desired course, as well as the PhD programme GSLS you are part of and your employer.

The above information will be shared with the teachers at Evers Research & Training. You will receive additional information about the course and preparation from them.

You can cancel free of charge up to 4 weeks before the start of the course by sending an e-mail to Please read the cancellation and no-show policy above.