Evaluation plan

The starting point for developing the evaluation plan was the question: 'How can evaluation help the various stakeholders make decisions?'  This requires evaluations to be assessed for their usability and actual use by stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholders were also asked to actively contribute to the evaluation plan; only with input from all stakeholder groups can they actually stay involved.

Development of evaluation planĀ 

More information on the development of the evaluation plan can be found in the powerpoint below.

Download the powerpoint (Dutch)

Evaluation plan

The starting point of the evaluation plan always remains the practical question: 'How can evaluation help the various stakeholders make decisions?' Evaluation is thus not just a retrospective method to check how the project went and whether the goals were achieved, but an integrated part of the development process of this project. The evaluation matrix below lists the stakeholders, the questions stakeholders want answered, the tools to get the answers and a proposal for how to communicate the findings to the stakeholders.

In the end, we formulated 7 questions of interest to different stakeholders:

  1. What types of Future Learning Spaces exist at UU and for what types of education are they used? (descriptive) 
  2. Who are using the Future Learning Spaces? (descriptive) 
  3. How do students and teachers experience the different types of Future Learning Spaces? Compared to traditional teaching spaces? (descriptive) 
  4. What are the needs of students and teachers regarding the physical learning environment? (descriptive) 
  5. How do the different types of Future Learning Spaces contribute to the realisation of the Utrecht educational vision? (explanatory) 
  6. How can UU best facilitate students and lecturers in using Future Learning Spaces? (designing) 
  7. What are the costs of Future Learning Spaces and how do they compare with traditional teaching spaces? (descriptive)