Lunch meeting 'the Good, the Bad and the Best Practice'
Innovation occurs both in education, and in the spaces where education is being held. How do you deal with the new possibilities of the space you teach in? And how can you utilize them even more? This was the topic of the workshop 'the Good, the Bad and the Best Practice'
It is no more than natural to keep persisting in an approach that has been proven to work, however this may lead to some missed opportunities. At Future Learning Spaces, hard work is being done to create learning spaces that can support news ways of education. But how do you utilize these new possibilities, while your calendar is already filled to the brim? To discuss this matter, SIG Learning Spaces, led by Tom Frijns and Anne van Ewijk (REBO), met up and brainstormed on how to tackle this issue.
Co-Creation Community Learning Spaces
On Thursday, the 6th of April, eleven of us got together in the Teaching and Learning Labs. Where the last session was about methods to support active approaches in non-future learning spaces, we discussed learning activities that can be held in the Future Learning Spaces. Under the motto “the good, the bad and the best practice”, we exchanged our normal use of the future learning spaces and other innovative learning spaces, after which Anne van Ewijk gave us an enthusiastic and inspiring presentation about a number of inside- and outside spaces that she utilises in het education. These were then connected to specific activities, including a day of challenges for students, held at the botanical gardens.
The next meeting will be held in the lunch break of June 1st, quickly register yourself by sending an e-mail to FLS!
This CC will be aimed at Game-Based Learning, under the motto 'Let's Play!'