Hybrid Active Learning Classroom

A Hybrid Active Learning Classroom is an Active Learning Classroom with opportunities for students/groups on location to work together with other students/groups remotely online. Some of the students are present in the Hybrid Active Learning Classroom, while others are participating simultaneously online. The Hybrid Active Learning Classroom is equipped with cameras and microphones to facilitate the interaction between the instructor and students online. Each table also has a camera and microphone to facilitate collaboration between students on location and those working remotely. Such a classroom is ideal for formats such as ‘Challenge based learning’, where multi-disciplinary teams of students from all over the world work on social issues and problems.
Where does the project stand now?
This project is in the initiation phase. A list of functional requirements has been compiled and refined on the basis of discussions and a brainstorming session with lecturers, students and staff. Lecturers and students with whom this idea has been discussed are enthusiastic, but also see challenges in serving students on campus and students online equally.
This concept will be further developed after a further round of feedback on the more rigorous programme of requirements and wishes.
How is the space used?
Many of the characteristics and tips for using a Hybrid Active Learning Classroom are the same as those for an Active Learning Classroom. A few suggestions for the use of an Active Learning Classroom in a hybrid situation are provided below.
Encourage involvement
The following suggestions are intended to involve both the remote groups and the groups on location in the learning activity to an equal degree.
- During the lesson, create enough space for questions and/or input by students participating online, perhaps by assigning a student assistant to maintain digital contact with the remote students.
- Taking a poll or quiz during an instructional moment that all of the students can complete at the same time can also increase their involvement (Raes, 2020).
- Create interaction between the students on location and those participating remotely outside of the teaching period as well. You can do this by developing both synchronised group assignments in the Hybrid Active Learning Classroom and asynchronous learning activities (Butz & Stupinsky, 2017), for example by offering online group assignments that the students can complete at home. Or consider using a discussion forum where all of the students can discuss the lesson together online. That will allow them to go more in-depth into the material together. Another option is to link a remote student with one on location, and to have them work on the assignments together and pass on each other’s questions to the instructor.
Sufficient support
For many instructors, teaching in a Hybrid Active Learning Classroom is a new and experimental experience. We recommend that the tasks be divided between someone who is responsible for the content of the course and someone responsible for logistics and technology. This will prevent you from having to do too many things at once: teaching, keeping an eye on the questions from both groups of students, and operating the equipment. Make sure that you can focus entirely on teaching.
Practical information
- Bijlhouwerstraat 6-8: room 2.20
Suitable for: synchronised remote collaboration, interactive learning, instruction, one-on-one interaction
How to book the room: REBO front office.