Workshop Exam preparation

Studenten doen examen

Your exam period can be quite stressful. You want to perform well or at least get a passing grade. In this workshop you will learn what you can do to effectively prepare for your exams. This starts with getting an overview of the course and mapping out what you have to do. Using your own course information and study materials, you will take stock of where you stand and what still needs to be done for the exam. Next, you will learn what strategies will help you to really master the subject matter. If you have prepared well a good exam strategy will increase your success. Therefore, we end the workshop with tips and exercises that help you analyse and answer exam questions.

Please note: because of overlap in content with the course ‘Smart Study Strategies’ we advise you not to attend both, although you are always free to do so.


    • ideal study process
    • active study strategies
    • a study plan
    • answering MC and open questions


    This workshop will be taught in English and is open to anyone, both non-Dutch and Dutch UU students at any level. When all participants speak Dutch fluently, the workshop will be taught in Dutch.

    Duration and frequency

    The workshop consists of one 3 hour session.
    The workshop is offered two times per year.

    Maximum no. participants



    • UU-students: € 15,- (registration fees)
    • Students outside UU: € 95,-
    • For UvH-students the costs are covered by the UvH


    In het Nederlands

    Also see the Dutch version of this course: Tentamenvoorbereiding


    T 030 253 2261