Time management for studies
Would you like to get a better grip on your studies and time management? Then this is the workshop for you. You will be mapping, among other things, what you spend your time on, what the main time sinks are, and which activities you can spend less time on. Using a step-by-step plan, we will discuss what is involved in making a realistic study plan. Plans should also be carried out, and that's where the rub is for most people! Many students experience procrastination; you will learn how to deal with that.
In this workshop you will test if you are a procrastinator and which form of procrastination you are susceptible to. Through exercises and tips you will gain insight into the ways with which you can tackle your procrastinating behaviour, so that you can keep this in mind when making and executing plans.
- self analysis: time allocation, time management and procrastination styles
- study goals
- priorities
- motivation and discipline
- effective study activities
- realistic planning
This workshop will be taught in English and is open to anyone, both non-Dutch and Dutch UU students at any level. When all participants speak Dutch fluently, the course will be taught in Dutch.
Duration and frequency
One meeting of 3 hours.
This workshop is offered 4x per year.
Maximum no. participants
- UU-students: € 15,- (registration fees)
- Students outside UU: € 70,-
- For UvH-students the costs are covered by the UvH
In het Nederlands
Also see the Dutch version of this course: Studieplanning maken én uitvoeren
T 030 253 2261
E academischevaardigheden@uu.nl