How to write an academic paper

Jonge vrouw typt achter laptop

You are asked to write a paper, but where do you start? Is your style ‘academic’ enough? How do you make sure your line of reasoning is accurate and relevant? And how do you structure content?

In this workshop, you will learn what a paper is and what skills you need to write a clear, consistent research paper. During this workshop, you will work on your own assignment. Therefore, we recommend to only register for this workshop when you are currently working on a (research) paper. At the end of the workshop, you may submit part of your writing product once for feedback from the trainer.


  • characteristics of a scientific paper (and the different genres)
  • structure and planning of your text
  • setting up your line of reasoning
  • peer feedback on and assignments for your own texts / assignments


This workshop will be taught in English and is open to anyone, both non-Dutch and Dutch UU students at any level. When all participants speak Dutch fluently, the workshop will be taught in Dutch.

Duration and frequency

One session of 2,45 hours. 
The workshop is offered twice a year in Dutch and twice a year in English.

Number of participants

Minimum 8 participants, maximum 12


  • UU-students: € 15,- (registration fees)
  • Students outside UU: € 70,-
  • For UvH-students the costs are covered by the UvH


In het Nederlands

Also see the Dutch version of this course: Zo schrijf je een goede paper


T 030 253 2261