Professional consultation

Sometimes a short consultation is all you need to continue your course development, to create or revise your exam, or even to improve your lecture or seminar. Teachers with questions about their education can ask for a Professional consultation with one of our educational advisors.
- preliminary conversation, observation and review of your lecture
- conversation with an educational advisor or teacher trainer to brainstorm new ideas
Examples of questions:
- Which testing format is suitable for my (online) course?
- How can I stimulate interaction between students?
- How can I more efficiently give feedback on student texts?
- How can I encourage students to improve their preparation to ensure better participation during a tutorial?
- What is a good way to implement ICT in my course?
- How do I effectively employ (online) peer feedback?
- How do I use knowledge clips in my education?
- Is this a quality exam and how can I improve it?
- I would like to bounce ideas off of someone on how to make my lectures more interesting for students.
- How do I develop a course with a interdisciplinary approach?
- How do I involve societal partners in my teaching, so students can work with these partners on societal problems?
For teachers of Utrecht University there are no costs, because the professional consultation forms part of the Educational Resources Pool (EMP).
Please submit your question using the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Do you have a different type of question or aren't you an employee of Utrecht University? Please contact our secretary:
T (030) 253 2261