Indicators for the evaluation of educational achievements

It is important that supervisers of academics include teaching performance in the assessment of an academic career. An important condition for this is that academics and their supervisors also have insight into the full spectrum of tasks in education as well as the level at which tasks are performed. To this end, a task force of Utrecht University has developed a tool with indicators for valuing teaching performance.

An instrument with indicators

This tool helps academics and their managers to determine development opportunities in various phases of the academic career and to value educational achievements. It can therefore be used in addition to the existing, formal WP FLOW III regulation and in discussions between those responsible for selection, promotion, career tracks, study programmes, appointment advisory committees, HR scans and by supervisors when conducting development interviews and B&O interviews.

The indicators in the instrument have been distinguished according to:

  • Roles and functions in education
  • Products
  • Use of product/knowledge by others
  • Recognition: prizes, scholarships etc.
View the instrument (clickable PDF)

The instrument has been developed by the Task Force on Assessment of Educational Performance and is managed by the Centre for Academic Teaching. If you have any questions or additions, please contact the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning via or +31 (0)30 - 2536638.