‘Just hang in there’
Vets' jobs have always involved a lot of creativity. After all, they often work with equipment that was originally designed for human patients. Human patients to whom – unlike animal patients – you can talk and give instructions like: 'Just lie down there for a minute please'. People obviously vary in terms of their height and body width, but these differences are insignificant compared to the diversity of sizes in the animal kingdom.
The story
Aart van de Woude, the photographer who captured this image while working in the Diagnostic Imaging Unit, told us the lamb was being x-rayed as part of a gastrointestinal examination. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to piece together the full story yet. The diagnostic imaging staff in the photo were probably trying to figure out how to take an X-ray of the lamb's gastrointestinal tract while keeping it calm and suspended at the right height. It seems they managed in the end.
Do you know the real story behind this image, or recognise yourself on any of the photos? If so, please let us know. Send your email to: communicatie.dgk@uu.nl