Experience UCR

Open Days are the perfect opportunity to find out whether University College Roosevelt is the right place for you. There's always a moment to connect: either through an in-person visit or by watching our Always Online Open Day. Start planning your visit by accessing the link below!  

More Information and Signing up

Student for a Day

Woman and man looking at a laptop

Sign up via the form here to experience a day in the life of a UCR student. You’ll join their classes and meet their professors. Look around the student housing to see where you might live in the future and see more of Middelburg.

After sending in the form, we will match you to a student with courses similar to your interests. Together, you set a date for a visit to Middelburg. You can participate in Student for a Day between September until November and from February until April, since classes take place then.

It may not always be possible to match your interests to a student who is taking courses in exactly those fields. We will try our best, but we cannot guarantee a perfect match. We are still convinced that even with a partial fit, you’ll still be able to experience UCR fully.

If you have any questions, please contact studentforaday@ucr.nl.