Country | Diploma and required English level |
Aruba | Aruban VWO Diploma with English as final exam subject |
Austria | Reifeprüfungszeugnis or Reife- und Diplomprüfungszeugnis with English as subject up to and including the final year |
Belgium | - Getuigschrift Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs with English as subject up to and including the final year;
- Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, Enseignement Général with English as subject up to and including the final year
- Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts with English as subject up to and including the final year
Bonaire | VWO Diploma with English as final exam subject |
Bulgaria | Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with English as profile subject in years 11 and 12 |
Croatia | Svjedodžba o Državnoj Maturi/Potvrda o Položenim Ispitima Državne Mature (Certificate of obtained State Matura Exams) with English as final exam subject at Higher Level |
Curaçao | Curaçao VWO Diploma with English as final exam subject |
Cyprus (Greek part) | Apolytirio Lykeiou with a final average grade of 15 or above with English as specialisation/direction subject (National Schools only) |
Czech Republic | Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce obtained at a Gymnázium with English as final exam subject |
Denmark | Bevis for Højere Hændelseksamen (HHX)/Bevis for Studentereksamen (STX)/Højere Forberedelseksamen (HF) med overbygning/Højere Teknisk Examen (HTX) with at least English B up to and including the final year |
Estonia | Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus with English as final exam subject (either a State Exam or School Exam) |
Finland | Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studenteksamensbevis with English as final exam subject (Basic or Advanced Syllabus) |
France | - Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général, Baccalauréat Français International (BFI), Section américaine or britannique
- Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général with English as Langue vivante A
Germany | Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) with English as at least Grundkursfach |
Greece | Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou with a final average grade of 10 or above with English as specialisation/direction subject |
Hungary | Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány with English as final exam subject (Intermediate or Higher Level) |
Iceland | Studentprof of the Mentaskoli, with the Maladeild/Staerofraedideild profile with English as subject up to and including the final year |
Italy | Diploma di Superamento dell’ Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore issued by Liceo Classico/Scientifico/Linguistico/Scienze Umane with English as subject up to and including the final year |
Latvia | Atestāts par Vispārējo vidējo Izglītību with English as State Exam |
Liechtenstein | Matura obtained at a Gymnasium with English as final exam subject |
Lithuania | Brandos Atestatas with English as State Exam (at A-level) |
Luxembourg | Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires classiques/Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires générales with English as final exam subject |
Norway | Norwegian Vitnemål fra den Videregående Opplæring with at least English ENG1002. From 2022 onwards: at least English ENG1007 |
Poland | Świadectwo Dojrzałości with a score of at least 30% for English as final exam subject (Basic or Extended Level) |
Portugal | Diploma/Certificado/Certidão do Ensino Secundário (Stream: Cursos Científicos-Humanísticos) with an average final grade of at least 14 and Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário (ENES) with an Access Grade of at least 120 over at least 3 national (university entrance) exams in 3 different subjects with English as Prova de Ingresso/Exames Nacionais do Ensino Secundário (ENES) |
Romania | Diplomă de Bacalaureat with English as final exam subject |
Slovakia | Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej skúške obtained at a Gymnázium with English as final exam subject |
Slovenia | Splošna Matura with English as State Exam |
Spain | Título de Bachiller and a final score of -5- or above for the Evaluación para el Acceso a la Universidad (EBAU)/Selectividad, with English examined within the EBAU/Selectividad |
St. Maarten (Dutch part only) | VWO Diploma with English as final exam subject |
Suriname | Surinamese VWO Diploma with English as final exam subject |
Sweden | Högskoleförberedande examen från Gymnasieskolan with English 1 and 2 as subjects within the following programmes: - Business Management and Economics Programme
- Arts Programme
- Humanities Programme
- Natural Science Programme
- Social Science Programme
- Technology Programme
Switzerland | Maturitätszeugnis/Diplôme de Maturité/Attestato di Maturitá with English as subject up to and including the final year |