MOED - Museum of Equality and Difference

MOED: Wat niet gezien wordt (T201905) Periode: 2019-02-15 - 2019-06-30 Locatie: Centraal Museum, Utrecht © Centraal Museum, Utrecht / Ernst Moritz
MOED: What is Left Unseen © Centraal Museum, Utrecht / Ernst Moritz

MOED is an online museum and research project bringing together artistic perspectives on equality and difference that strive for social change. MOED exists of a collective of researchers affiliated to the Hub Gender & Diversity who collaborate with art institutions, artists and activists to research how the interaction between equality and difference affect the arts.

MOED firmly believes that creative practices hold the potential to envision and create alternative and more inclusive societies. MOED asks specifically: What does equality look like, for whom, and why? What does difference look like, for whom, and why? By engaging with these questions, MOED aims to develop new ways of imagining, looking, and speaking that contribute, on a structural level, to equality, difference, and inclusion.

The collaboration with MOED—the Museum of Equality and Difference, a project of the Gender Studies research group at Utrecht University—offers the Centraal Museum a wonderful first step in setting things in motion. With its diverse composition, the expertise of this team helps us to look critically at our own identity and working methods as a museum.

Bart Rutten, director Centraal Museum

What is Left Unseen

One of MOED’s partners is the Centraal Museum in Utrecht, with whom MOED has curated the exhibition MOED: What is Left Unseen, on show in the Centraal Museum in the spring of 2019. The exhibition revealed how processes of inclusion and exclusion influence the practices of exhibiting and collecting of art in museum collections. By placing a selection of artworks of the Centraal Museum’s permanent collection in dialogue with a number of loans, the exhibition created a new perspective on the traditional narrative of slavery and Christianity. The exhibition opened up the museum’s permanent collection to a plurality of perspectives, backgrounds and voices.

Other partners of MOED are amongst others Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Mama Cash, Museum Arnhem and Atria.

Involved researchers

Rosemarie Buikema

Layal Ftouni

Rosa Wevers

Nancy Jouwe

Rolando Vázquez

Astrid Kerchman

Foto: Theodoor Steen
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