Promotie: Research Data Management for Open Science

Promotie van A.E.J. Lefebvre MSc


The pandemic that started in 2020 has made the public more aware of science, what works and what does not work. Concepts like experimental designs, clinical trials, computational models, predictions, scientific publications, but also retraction as such started to enter the public’s attention. Besides, TV shows, podcasts, and social media started to discuss data sharing and reproducibility much more frequently, terms that are at the center of open science for more than a decade.

This dissertation maps out the challenges in the current practices in science regarding reproducibility and data sharing in research. First, we identify the main stakeholders in the context of open science in Dutch academia. Next, we analyze research practices in the aspects of reproducibility and data management in both the actual laboratory context and scientific publications.

We discuss particularly the threats that laboratories would face in the future without the assistance of proper research data management strategies. Finally, we focus on the future of scholarly communication and discuss how research object technology and open science readiness can contribute to open and more reproducible scientific practices.

Begindatum en -tijd
Einddatum en -tijd
Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 & online (link)
A.E.J. Lefebvre MSc
Research Data Management for Open Science
prof. dr. S. Brinkkemper
prof. dr. B. Snel
prof. dr. M.R. Spruit
dr. ir. B. Van Breukelen
Meer informatie
Full text via Utrecht University Repository