Future Food Conferentie 2024 – Food Democracy

Jaarlijkse conferentie van Future Food Utrecht


13:00 – 13:15
Registratie, koffie en stemmen (let op, lunch is geen onderdeel van het programma)
Registration, coffee, and voting (Please note that lunch is not included)
13:15 – 14:45
(Voertaal: Engels) 
Johan GarssenSimone PekelsmaHerman Lelieveldt,  Krijn PoppeWytze WalstraKoen Beumer

14:45 – 15:00
Koffiepauze / Coffee break

15:00 – 16:30

Keuze uit 4 workshops / Choose from 4 workshops

1.Een burgerberaad voor landbouw en voedsel? (Nederlandstalig)
Wereldwijd blijkt dat inwoners door middel van burgerberaden tot haalbare aanbevelingen komen voor de moeilijkste problemen van onze tijd. Zonder polarisatie, mét oog voor verschillende perspectieven en de langetermijn. Zo zorgen burgerberaden voor een toekomstbestendige en toegankelijke democratie (Bron: Bureau Burgerberaad). Welke kansen zou een Burgerberaad Landbouw & Voedsel kunnen bieden? En welke vraag zou centraal moeten staan?

Begeleid door Eva Rovers, Directeur Stichting Bureau Burgerberaad

2.Geographical Indications and Coffee in Indonesia: Social and Ecological Implications of Premium Coffee Production in Aceh (in English)
As a part of the Follow the Food Incubator Project, this workshop will focus on the relationship between Geographical Indication (GI), sustainable coffee supply chain development, the benefits and challenges for small coffee farmers, and the responsibilities of consumers. Join this workshop to address questions such as:

  • How do European consumers and producers share the risk of the costly production of sustainable coffee, increasingly exposed to climate change?
  • Does GI help to ensure that small coffee producers also benefit from sustainable development agendas, such as the recent EU Directive on non-deforestation and certification programmes?  

Speakers: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) & Ari Susanti (Universitas Gadjha Mada, Faculty of Forestry, Yogyakarta - Indonesia)
Moderator: Kei Otsuki (International Development Studies, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University)

3.Young Future Food Movement (in English)
In May 2024, we kicked off the Young Future Food Movement. Are you a (former) UU student or young researcher who wants to become active in food-related questions both on campus and in the Utrecht region, then join this workshop..! Meet like-minded people who are full of energy to really make a change. We will discuss concrete ideas we can start working on tomorrow, such as creating our own Community Kitchen. We look forward to getting to know you..!

4.Food Transformations: Community Gardens, Urban Space, and Sustainable Futures (in English)
In November 2024 a new Horizon project Convivium kicked off. Proposing to reconsider food heritage as living rather than stable, it involves a series of projects around Europe that concern food practices in relation to questions of sustainability, societal transformation and community involvement. Convivium focuses on the transformative potential of food – and looks for practices, places, histories that point to the liveliness around food culture and how the society reflects it. One of the project’s experiments explores urban community gardens as spaces where the past, present and future intermingle and where urban space is reconsidered. Through this session, we will engage with the questions that urban gardens pose to then experiment and explore different perspectives on what the ‘ideal’ future urban garden in the heart of the city of Utrecht would look like. In smaller groups we will design, imagine and draw (literally) our thoughts around the purposes of such a garden, its potential visitors, its role for the city and history, and much more.
Moderator: Justyna Jakubiec (UU)

16:35 – 17:00

The results are In..! You've voted, you've spoken, and now it's time to reveal what you really think about the future of our food system.
Join us as Koen Beumer (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development & Board Member at Future Food Utrecht) and Simone Pekelsma (Managing Director, Future Food Utrecht) unveil your thoughts and opinions. Get ready for some thought-provoking revelations, surprises, and a glimpse into how YOU and the rest of our audience envision the future of food.

17:00 – 18:00
Borrel / drinks

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Gratis na aanmelden/ Free after registration

Aanmeldformulier/Registration form