Dr. Mira Scholten

Dr. Mira Scholten

Associate Professor
International and European Law

Dr. Miroslava (Mira) Scholten is an Associate Professor of EU law enforcement, a member of the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) and is the director of the LLM Law and Economics. Since 2019, Mira is the co-coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement (EULEN), an initiative of 9 European Universities, funded by the EU Commission, and is the creator and the main co-editor of the eulawenforcement.com . In September 2022, she has been appointed as member of the Scientific Advisory Board (WAC) of the NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities. Since February 2022, she is the chair of the UU Open Science platform.


Mira's research expertise lies in the field of EU law enforcement and governance. In 2016-2020, she has been conducting the 'veni' project 'Shared enforcement but separated controls in the EU - how to make it work for democracy and the rule of law?' funded by the Dutch Scientific Council (NWO). Mira is a member of the scientific board of Osservatorio AIR, an Italian research-policy centre funded by Italian national independent agencies.


Mira teaches master courses on different aspects of EU (institutional) law and policies, EU agencies, supervision and enforcement in the EU and supervises master and PhD students. 'Do not waste good students' research!' has become her teaching philosophy and in July 2019, this idea was awarded a prize at Utrecht University. Before that, she led an education project on why and how to use blogging in education 'Edublog'. Both projects were funded by the Utrecht fund for innovation in education. 


Mira executes various managerial tasks, participates in ad hoc and regular committees, such as Open science, at Utrecht University and is a member of Utrecht Young Academy (among others, in interdisciplinary research and finance groups). She holds Basic Qualification Teaching and Senior Qualification Research certificates (BKO and SKOz).


My urkund email address is M.Scholten.uu@analysis.urkund.com


Check also these out:

Open Science

My students' posts on EU law enforcement


Video: do not waste good students' research!

Presentation of the book 'Law Enforcement By EU Authorities', European Parliament, Brussels, 2017

2017 edited volume discusses all the EU Enforcement Authorities.

Jean Monnet Network on EU law Enforcement (EULEN), January 2020 Utrecht

2020 edited volume launches the debate on a comprehensive system of controls for EU agencies and ultimately the EU executive.

2019 Special Issue on Enforcement of EU law and policies.

Research Handbook on the enforcement of EU law