Rob Widdershoven (1959) studied law at Utrecht University. In 1997 he became professor of European Administrative Law at Utrecht University. His teaching and research focus on (Dutch) general administrative law and on the influence of European Law on the administrative law systems of the EU Member States. In particular in the areas of judicial protection (including court administration), enforcement of law and general principles of law/fundamental rights. In addition, he studies transnational and composite decision-making, adjudication and enforcement. He is member of the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement In the EU (Renforce) and of the Montaigne Institute for the Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice.

In 2013 he was appointed as the first Advocate General of Administrative Law in the Netherlands. In this capacity he is partime member of the Council of State, the Central Appellate Court and the High Administrative Court of Trade and Industry.





  • 1993: prijs Vereniging voor Bestuursrecht (VAR) voor het wetenschapschappelijk oeuvre tot dat moment.
  • 1997: benoeming Jean Monnet professor European administrative law door de Europese Commissie.
  • 2000: toekenning NWO Aandachtsgebied Transnational Enforcement of Law in the European Legal Space.
  • 2008: Gouden Peer (prijs tijdschrift Mr. voor de beste beoefenaar van bestuursrecht volgens de vakgenoten).
Europees Bestuursrecht