Prof. dr. Ineke Braakman

Cellular Protein Chemistry

Ineke Braakman Is Professor of Cellular Protein Chemistry in the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University. After a PhD in biochemical pharmacology at Groningen University (NL), she was trained in protein folding, molecular chaperones, and the cell biology of viruses at Yale University, New Haven (CT, USA). She started her lab in the Dept. Biochemistry, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam as Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). She has been thesis advisor for >30 PhD students, and supervised >80 BSc and MSc students in laboratory rotations. She is EMBO member, has served on >130 national and 10 international thesis committees, delivered >220 invited seminars and lectures, was invited (co)-organizer of >10 international meetings, and has been member of numerous (inter)national boards, evaluation panels, and advisory boards.