Prof. dr. Bart Besamusca

Trans 10
3512 JK Utrecht

Prof. dr. Bart Besamusca

Emeritus Professor
Medieval Culture

[See below for hyperlinks]

Bart Besamusca is Professor Emeritus of Middle Dutch textual culture from an international perspective. He studied Dutch Language and Literature at Utrecht University. In the years 1983-1988 he wrote his doctoral dissertation, Het Boec van Lancelote (1988), on the translation technique of the Lanceloet poet. He was a Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (1988-1992). At the moment he is Senior Lecturer in Middle Dutch literature. His research focuses on medieval narrative literature. His research projects include Bibliothek mittelniederländischer Literatur, BIMILI (Het Nederlands Letterenfonds en het Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren, 2005-2022), The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript: Text Collections from a European Perspective (HERA, 2010-2014), Arthurian Fiction in Medieval Europe: Narratives and Manuscripts (CLARIN, 2011-2012), e-BNM+ Linked Data on Middle Dutch Sources Kept Worldwide (CLARIN, 2013-2014), The Changing Face of Medieval Dutch Narrative Literature in the Early Period of Print, 1477-c.1540 (FWO&NWO, 2013-2017), The Multilingual Dynamics of the Literary Culture of Medieval Flanders, ca 1200 – ca 1500 (NWO, 2018-2023).

Between 2002 and 2005 Besamusca served the International Arthurian Society as its International President. In 2005 he was elected Honorary President of this organisation.

On the occasion of his retirement, on January 25, 2023, the online exhibition 'The surprising Middle Ages' was created (see hyperlink below).

Part of his work is accessible via the DBNL (see hyperlink below).