Continuing Education

The Department of Methodology and Statistics (M&S) provides Continuing Education training for PhD candidates and other researchers. We offer on-location and e-learning courses (mostly via the Utrecht Summer School), but also tailor-made M&S courses:

  • We offer over 25 M&S courses for professionals, including ones regarding SEM models, R, python, text mining, survey, hypothesis evaluation / model selection, Bayes, multilevel, networks, and many more data science topics.
    Check out our M&S winter and summer school courses.
    For more information and registration, please click on the link of the course.
    In case of questions, e-mail:
  • Additionally, we can provide tailor-made M&S courses.
    Topic(s), date & time, and location (in-house or on campus or…) in close consultation (e-mail Rebecca Kuiper:
Structural Equation Modeling in R using lavaan - Kyle Lang
Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus - Beth Grandfield
Beyond null-hypothesis testing: Transparent and informative methods in three statistical frameworks - Anne Scheel
Applied Multivariate Analysis - Dave Hessen