Willemijn Ruberg wins second prize for article in Journal of Women's History

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The article "The Tactics of Menstruation in Dutch Cases of Sexual Assault and Infanticide, 1750-1920" (Journal of Women's History, Fall 2013) by Dr Willemijn Ruberg (Cultural History) has been chosen as the runner-up for the Journal of Women's History best article bi-annual prize for 2013-2014. 

Dr. Willemijn Ruberg. Foto: Ed van Rijswijk
Dr Willemijn Ruberg

The prize committee, comprised of three members from the Journal's Editorial Board, evaluated each article published during this two-year cycle, with an eye toward finding the article that "makes a significant contribution to the international field of women’s history by incorporating a comparative dimension, considering contexts beyond its main geographical and temporal focus, employing methodologies that demonstrate historical interconnections across time and space, and/or advancing feminist theories in women’s history". The committee notes that it was particularly impressed with Ruberg's ability to "tackle the longue durée," and with her "smart analysis of the ways in which competing medical understandings of menstruation and women's knowledge of their own bodies gave women some maneuvering room as they navigated often hostile legal territory".


The prize will be formally announced at the 2017 upcoming Seventeenth Berkshire Conference on the History of Women at Hofstra University, New York, June 1-4, 2017.